i come from women illiterate and rough-skinned by Irene Lara Silva

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Contributor Notes

ire’ne lara silva lives in Austin, TX. She is the 2008 recipient of the Gloria Anzaldua Milagro Award, and a Macondo member. From 2004 to 2008, she was the Executive Coordinator for the Macondo Writing Workshop/Macondo Foundation. ire’ne’s poetry, short stories and essays have appeared in more than forty journals and anthologies, including Acentos Review, Ginosko Literary Journal, Mas Tequila Review, PilgrimageCIPACTLI, Kweli Journal, The Worcester Review, Borderlands: Texas Poetry Review, Palabra, The Weight of Addition: Texas Poetry Anthology, Improbable Worlds Anthology, Beat Texas Poetry Anthology, Turtle Island to Abya Yala: A Love Anthology of Art and Poetry by Native American and Latina Women, and in the forthcoming New Border Voices.

ire’ne lara silva is the author of two chapbooks: ani’mal and INDíGENA. Her first collection of poetry, furia, will be published by Mouthfeel Press in October 2010.