Photography Now with Ozier Muhammad
Fall / Winter 2019 Workshop
In 1985, Ozier Muhammad shared the Pulitzer Prize in International Reporting with Josh Friedman and Dennis Bell for a series of Newsday reports entitled “Africa, The Desperate Continent.” This series about drought and famine and its political consequences also earned Ozier Muhammad the Polk Award in News Photography. His last assignment to the continent of Africa was to cover the hospitalization of Mandela and his passing in 2013.
In “Photography Now with Ozier Muhammad,” Mr. Muhammad will draw from over forty years of experience as a photojournalist to teach a group of twelve to fourteen students of color the secret to creating a compelling image—you simply tell a story.
”I am Palestinian, and I also grew up in Georgia. For the PHOTOGRAPHY NOW workshop, I did a series of portraits— both in drag and out of drag—so I could explore the "binary" identities of male and female and white versus non-white. Though people are often confused when I mention I was born in rural Georgia, it is nonetheless part of my identity. And while I can reconcile all these things internally, this photo series is about pulling apart these binaries so that others can also hold this multiplicity--both in their understanding of me as an individual and of the different identities I hold (and the ones that get projected onto me).”
“Mourning.” Photo credit: Dina Abdulhadi
“I am a writer. The first assignment that Ozier gave us was portraiture. I started re-seeing close people in my life and I ended up taking a portrait of my father. Ozier asked me to think about the way light slants into a window and shades or illuminates a face. My father lived in a refugee camp in India from age two to age four. We went to an Indian restaurant together and he was sitting against the red background of the restaurant and I just started taking pictures of him. He said “what are you doing? Stop, stop, stop.” One of the photographs really captured him and I think you can see strength and displacement all at once in his face, as well as joy and loss. I am interested in the full mysteries that get revealed in our photographs.”
Photo credit: Neela Vaswani
The Photography Now workshop will be held on Wednesday evenings at LMHQ’s Tesla Classroom, 6:30pm - 8:30pm. Ozier will teach each student how to shoot with natural light, how to edit a photo and prepare it for exhibition AND MORE.
Participating students will need a digital camera. Please note that two cameras will be available for two students to use during the workshop. Photo field trips will occur on alternate weeks.
A photography exhibition of student work will take place in December 2019 at Raw Space Gallery in Harlem.
2031 Adam Clayton Powell Blvd.
(7th Ave. Between 121st and 122nd)
New York, NY 10027
Class Dates:
September 11, September 18, September 25, October 2, October 9, October 16, October 23, October 30
Tesla Classroom
150 Broadway, 20th Floor
New York, NY 10038
Enrollment is limited to 14 participants.
Workshop Fee: $300
Register for the workshop with an email to NOTE: Payment in advance secures your seat.
You can make your payment via check or money order.
Please mail your payment to the following address.
Kweli Journal
PO Box 693
New York, NY10021
ATTN: Workshop
You can also make a payment online via PayPal.
We are offering a scholarship to TWO Indigenous / POC students between the ages of 16 - 25. See scholarship application and apply by August 21, 2019, 6PM.
Banner Photograph
“Ozier Muhammad in Johannesburg, South Africa, Black Portraitures Conference in November 2016.” Photo Credit: Terrence Jennings
DECEMBER 10 - 14, 2019
Photography Now with Ozier Muhammad is made possible in part with public funds from Creative Learning, supported by the New York City Department of Cultural Affairs in partnership with the City Council and the New York State Council on the Arts with the support of Governor Andrew Cuomo and administered by Lower Manhattan Cultural Council. Lower Manhattan Cultural Council empowers artists by providing them with networks, resources, and support, to create vibrant, sustainable communities in Lower Manhattan and beyond.