2025 Kweli Color of Children's Literature Pre-Conference Event with Autumn Allen, Kobina Commeh, & Bárbara Quintino
This event is free and open to the public! Join us here.
2025 Kweli Color of Children's Literature Pre-Conference Event with Mahogany L. Browne and Phoebe Yeh
This event is free and open to the public! You can register here.
2025 Kweli Color of Children's Literature Conference Pre-Conference Event with Shifa Saltagi Safadi and Rūta Rimas
RSVP at events@kwelijournal.org
Starting a Novel: On Scope and Style Master Class with Alejandro Heredia
In this workshop, we will discuss the various elements of scope and style that a writer must consider while beginning a novel. What characters should the story follow so that I can tell the best version of this story? What point of view might best serve the story? When and how should I release information to keep the reader engaged? What form might sustain the story for the length of a novel, and how can I intentionally break form, to add further meaning to my project? Together, we will look at key examples of novel openings from works by Rivka Galchen, Virginia Woolf, and others. This workshop is for folks who are about to begin or just beginning a novel, and it will serve folks who have written a full draft and are now in the process of revising their manuscript.
You can register for this class here.
The Art of the Novel Master Class with Nicole Dennis-Benn
The novel is a vast landscape. But despite the liberal space, a good novel requires structure—direction, motive, and dynamic characters that will take readers through the terrain. Through reading, writing, and discussion, this intensive workshop will challenge students to expand on ideas, using the tools given to make the novel work as a unified, compelling whole.
This master class may be more beneficial for writers who already have a novel in progress; however, is open to those who are just getting started.
You can register for this class here.
Festival Closing Keynote Conversation with Edwidge Danticat; Moderated by Dr. Farah Jasmine Griffin
This event is free and open to the public. Learn more here.
You can RSVP by emailing events@kwelijournal.org.
Festival Multi-media event with Crystal Hana Kim; Moderated by Gina Chung
This event is free and open to the public. Learn more here.
You can RSVP by emailing events@kwelijournal.org.
Festival Multi-media event with Kenzie Allen; Moderated by J.P. Infante
This event is free and open to the public. Learn more here.
You can RSVP by emailing events@kwelijournal.org.
Festival Multi-media event with Nana Ekua Brew-Hammond; Moderated by Kim Coleman Foote
This event is free and open to the public. Learn more here.
You can RSVP by emailing events@kwelijournal.org.
Festival Multi-media event with Fadi Azzam and Dr. Ghada Alatrash; Moderated by Thayer Hastings
This event is free and open to the public. Learn more here.
You can RSVP by emailing events@kwelijournal.org.
Post-Conference Multimedia event with Ana Crespo; Moderated by Juliana Ravelli
This event is free and open to the public. Learn more here.
You can RSVP by emailing events@kwelijournal.org.
Pre-Festival Multi-media event with Emily Raboteau; Moderated by Susan Muaddi Darraj
This event is free and open to the public.
You can RSVP by emailing events@kwelijournal.org.
Book Launch Event with Susan Muaddi Darraj; Moderated by John Paul Infante
This event is free and open to the public. Learn more here.
You can RSVP by emailing events@kwelijournal.org.
Pre-Conference Multi-media event with Olugbemisola Rhuday-Perkovich; Moderated by Renée Watson
This event is free and open to the public. Learn more here.
You can RSVP by emailing events@kwelijournal.org.
2024 Kweli Color of Children's Literature Pre-Conference Event
Please RSVP at events@kwelijournal.org
Find out more about this event here!
Craft Talk | Revision & Recognition Led by Isabella Hammad
Revising prose fiction depends on defamiliarization—seeing the work afresh—as well as recognizing and refining elements and threads that have emerged unconsciously in the first draft. Alongside practical advice for redrafting prose, I’ll suggest some ways that the novel's inheritance from the tradition of Greek tragedy might guide us through this process.
You can register for class here.
Craft Talk | Approaches to Plot Led by Megha Majumdar
What is plot, and how can we plot our fiction to invite our reader in? In this craft class, we will discuss several approaches to plot, with accompanying writing exercises, followed by time for Q&A.
You can register for this class here.
LaToya Watkins on Holler, Child
LaToya Watkins is the author of Perish. Her writing has appeared in A Public Space, The Sun, Kweli Journal, McSweeney's Quarterly Concern, Kenyon Review, The Pushcart Prize Anthology, and elsewhere. She is a Kimibilo fellow and has received support from the Bread Loaf Writers' Conference, MacDowell, OMI: Arts, Yaddo, Hedgebrook, and the Camargo Foundation. Holler, Child is her first story collection.
RSVP for this event here!
Master Class | Shape & Form: New Entry Points For Crafting Short Fiction Led by Tracey Rose Peyton
This master class will explore the ways fiction writers can use existing shapes and forms to help generate new works. We’ll take a look at a range of literary materials that borrow from various frameworks, such as indexes, logs, essay questions, glossaries, etc.
You can register for this class here.
Craft Talk | Visual Storytelling: A Path to Keeping Your Story Moving Through Its Own Space Led by Ramona Emerson
This craft lecture explores some tips and suggestions on how to become a more visual storyteller and how to maintain movement within your story. I will be sharing some elements of craft and helping writers to harness memories and moments for their novel.
You can register for this class here.
Magogodi Makhene on Innards
Magogodi oaMphela Makhene is a proudly Soweto-made soul, who now makes her home anywhere with sunshine and writing space. An Iowa Writers’ Workshop alum, Magogodi is a Caine Prize, Hedgebrook, MacDowell and Rona Jaffe Award honoree. She leads immersive courses and experiences at Love As A Kind of Cure, a social enterprise she co-founded to dismantle white supremacy. Her newsletter, Get Paid & Published, offers hands-on tools and tips for first time authors. Follow Magogodi’s writing adventures at magogodi.com. Innards is her debut novel.
RSVP for this event here!
Sing The Truth with Ingrid Rojas Contreras and Maria Alejandra Barrios
Kweli Journal and Ballet Hispánico present Sing the Truth, an evening of readings, music, dance narratives and conversation on memory and inheritance. The evening features readings by Pulitzer Prize finalist Ingrid Rojas Contreras whose memoir THE MAN WHO COULD MOVE CLOUDS “interweaves family stories more enchanting than those in any novel, resurrected Colombian history, and her own deeply personal reckonings with the bounds of reality.” The audience will be transported to Colombia via the words, music and dance of the extraordinary artists who will grace Ballet Hispánico's stage. The original dance segment choreographed and performed by Ballet Hispánico's own Rodney Hamilton and Mia Bermudez will leave you breathless.
This program concludes with a conversation between Ingrid Rojas Contreras and Maria Alejandra Barrios, a 2018 Kweli Fellow. Her book, THE WAVES TAKE YOU HOME is forthcoming from Lake Union Publishing (2024).
You can RSVP with an email to events@kwelijournal.org.
Myth and Music with Yvette Lisa Ndlovu, Chika Unigwe, and Ladan Osman
Kweli Journal, The New School Creative Writing Program and Africa Is A Country present Myth & Music, an evening of readings, live music, dance narratives and conversation on home and journeys in search of belonging. The evening features readings by internationally acclaimed author Chika Unigwe and breakout debut author Yvette Lisa Ndlovu, whose most recent books riff on Zimbabwean mythology and the parable of Hades and Persephone within a Nigerian family. Through sound and movement, choreographer Khensani Mathebula, violist Iymaani Abdul-Hamid and dancer Mikaela Brandon interpret and extend the narratives, illuminating the search for home and freedom.
This program concludes with a conversation between the authors and moderator Ladan Osman, exploring these themes and the power of literature and art in cultivating community across borders.
You can RSVP with an email to events@kwelijournal.org.