2022 Picture Book Retreat at Akwaaba
“The Kweli writing retreat at Akwaaba was one of the best experiences I've had as a writer. There was so much care put into not only the accommodations, but also care in the community that we built over the weekend. It provided me with a much needed and appreciated break from my everyday life, and gave me the opportunity to focus on my craft with a writer I have long admired.
Carole’s presentations on time, premise and voice gave me a few new perspectives to use when I approach writing as a whole. For example, I look at time differently. Carole told us that time is always there, waiting and watching, and doesn't stop. It can be hard to find the time for creating and writing, but if you think of the stories you're creating, and what writing does for you, you'll find the time and prioritize what's important. The craft sessions were as lyrical as the writer’s entire body of work. The sessions were also practical and met you wherever you were, so that you could take what you needed from the talk. The one-on-one session with Carole was amazing! I got to see what kind of revisions were needed on my manuscript, and why. Then Carole also shared advice on the book’s potential. She told me, “Don’t think small when it comes to this story. See the way these characters can be bigger than just this one book. Carole even brought my agent into the conversation, sharing tips over the phone with her on how to support this specific piece of work going forward.
The gifts I received from this weekend will be with me for a long time, and I know that I'll look at writing and the trajectory of my career much differently than I did before.”
Ariel Vanece
“I was fortunate to have won a Kweli22 raffle and a trip to the Kweli Picture Book Writing Retreat at Akwaaba in Philadelphia. What a wonderful experience! I have had several life changing experiences as a writer, and this retreat was one of them.
First introduction was to the gorgeous mansion at Akwaaba. The following morning I met the other participants at breakfast. When Carole Boston Weatherford walked in, I was so starstruck I couldn’t speak, having long admired her work. Her talks on voice and premise were timely as a writer working on several outlines for picture books.
It was such an honor to have one-on-one time with Carole. I was especially anxious to visit about her book, Unspeakable: The Tulsa Race Massacre. I explained that I am writing a middle grade novel about a tough subject regarding American Indian boarding schools and wanted to pick her brain about how she presented a difficult subject to a young audience. She asked to read several of my manuscript’s paragraphs. Her advice could change the format of my story! She suggested presenting the novel in verse form. I came away from our session revived and energized.
Akwaaba and this Kweli retreat offered a peaceful and supportive space for writers of color, and I am grateful for the opportunity and invitation to have participated.”
Denise Lajimodiere