Judging a Cover by his Books: An Annotated Bibliography of the Intellectual MacDaddy by Nelly Rosario

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Contributor Notes

I often listen for the ‘conversation’ between form and substance in a work of literature: the how (form) can be itself as much of a narrative as the what (substance).  “Judging A Cover By His Books” is, in part, inspired by “Body Ritual among the Nacirema” (1956), Horace Miner’s influential satire of anthropological scholarship on non-Western cultures.

Nelly Rosario was born in the Dominican Republic and raised in Brooklyn, New York.  She is a recent winner of the Sherwood Anderson Award in Fiction.  Her debut novel, Song of the Water Saints, won a 2002 PEN Open Book Award.  Rosario is currently a columnist for el diario/La Prensa and teaches creative writing at Texas State University.  She is at work on a second novel.