Judging a Cover by his Books: An Annotated Bibliography of the Intellectual MacDaddy by Nelly Rosario

Judging a Cover by his Books: An Annotated Bibliography of the Intellectual MacDaddy by Nelly Rosario

This annotated bibliography is a comprehensive overview of the titles most prominently displayed on the bookshelves—real or virtual—of the cosmopolitan educated heterosexual male of color whose intention is to seduce the bodies and minds of cosmopolitan educated heterosexual females of color.  Jenna Lang of The Guardian effectively sums up his quandary: “How do you pick the perfect book to confer the desired air of intelligence and approachability, not to mention the combined sex appeal of Brad and Angelina?”  Brangelina notwithstanding, Lang’s question permeates all aspects of Said Male’s lifestyle choices, from iPod playlist to faux-hawk coiffure.