But What If The Medium Turns Out To Be A Mysteriarch by Yago Cura

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Contributor Notes

“But, What if the Medium Turns Out to be a Mysteriarch?” is the direct result of a Houdini exhibit I saw, Houdini: Art & Magic, in 2012 at the Skirball Cultural Center in Los Angeles. I learned leagues about Houdini’s beginnings and his artistry; this poem has a longer line than most things I write, and fleshes out some of my most superstitiously supernatural beliefs about the afterlife.


Yago S. Cura teaches English Language Arts to 18-25 year old women in the Los Angeles County Jail for John Muir Charter School. He is the publisher of Hinchas de Poesía (http://www.hinchasdepoesia.com/), and the founder of the 2014 Copa Poética (http://copapoetica.us)Yago is the author of Rubberroom, and a former NYC Teaching Fellow. In 2010, he co-wrote Odas a Futbolistas with Abel Folgar and has completed Postcard Feats with C.S. Carrier and Jim Heavily. Yago’s poetry has appeared in PALABRA, Versal, Borderlands, Lungfull!, COMBO, LIT, U.S. Latino Review, 2nd Avenue, Exquisite Corpse, FIELD, and Slope. Yago’s reviews have appeared in The St. Mark’s Poetry Project Newsletter. His Spanglish poetry blog, Spicaresque, has had more than 48,000 visitors.