Crash Molasses by Faylita Hicks

in the mountains, we remove our clothes                              those costume carcasses, charter atlas
rid ourselves of sorrow, its mediocrity                          its hesitant ache, savants of the massifs

we erode, set fire to the broken                                                    sands, hover beside them
catch, glory: the slow burn of it all                              tetras of a lost moon, tearing into our chests

gravity sans kinetic                                                we have learned to climb out of each other
ruined cages, manifest: gods in us                 all the confessions of our climax, allowed to atrophy

or expand                                                        like the eviscerated land, with her fat highways
stretched, her blood-orange border                               laced, hitched & heavy around her waist


between the which ways, flooding hot & quick                            between her rocky columns
in our ritual: the mock of the beginning                               between the moonrise, the sun-slip

in hungering spaces                                                          our bodies knock, cyclically
in sync with the other                                                                        unknown; crashing molasses

into stone, over the rim of the world                                        we move, from exit to existence
but always home, the spheres of our songs                                                 harbor: heat

crawl back into our bodies                   heavy, singed                               renegades, witnesses



Contributor Notes

Faylita Hicks is a Black, Queer writer, mobile photographer, performance and Hip-Hop artist from San Marcos, TX. She was 2009 Grand Slam Champion of the Austin Poetry Slam and member of the 2007 and 2008 Neo Soul Poetry Slam teams. Her manuscript was a finalist in the 2016 Write Bloody Book contest and 2012 Button Poetry Chapbook contest. Her work has appeared in or is forthcoming in Prairie Schooner, Cosmonauts Avenue, Ink & Nebula, American Poetry Journal, Yes Poetry, AIPF Di-verse-city Anthology and others. In 2015, she released her first Hip Hop EP, Collision City. She is the founder and Creative Director of Arrondi Creative Productions and an artist on the roster for Hip-Hop collective Grid Squid Entertainment.  She received her MFA in Creative Writing from Sierra Nevada College’s Low Residency program and received her Bachelor’s Degree from Texas State University in San Marcos, TX. 

She is currently working on her manuscript, GLOW and a new EP, Neon Glow. 

Twitter: @FaylitaHicks