Salsa Lesson by John Murillo

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Contributor Notes

John Murillo is the author of the poetry collection, Up Jump the Boogie (Cypher 2010).  A graduate of New York University's MFA program in creative writing, he has received fellowships from the Cave Canem Foundation, the New York Times, the Wisconsin Institute of Creative Writing, and the Fine Arts Work Center in Provincetown, Massachusetts.  His work has appeared in such publications as Callaloo, Court Green, Ninth Letter, and Ploughshares, and is forthcoming in Angles of Ascent: A Norton Anthology of African-American Poetry.  His choreo-play, Trigger, has been commissioned by Edgeworks Dance Theater and is scheduled for production in spring 2011.  A founding member of the poetry collective, The Symphony, he has taught at New York University, Columbia College Chicago, and the University of Wisconsin-Madison.  Currently, he is visiting assistant professor of creative writing at Cornell University.