To a Generation Not Yet Born by Shokry Eldaly II

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Contributor Notes

Believing that the poet’s hand, like the prophet’s tongue, is not simply a channel by which the future is foretold, but a call to action (and often a reminder of ethic), the poem “To A Generation Not Yet Born” began several years ago as an attempt at writing a statement of something more than testimony. Plagued by the need to pen a poem that would not just speak to the existence of the oppressed community, but would proclaim with gracious reverence and immediacy the inherited responsibilities that emerge from the sacrifices of the marginalized.

Shokry Eldaly is a Brooklyn-born, Dominican-Egyptian playwright, poet, and novelist, a Hunter College graduate, Goddard College MFA recipient, and Teachers College/Columbia University M.A. Candidate. He is an Aquellos Fellow, a recipient of the Blanche Colton Williams Fellowship, a three-time Pushcart Nominee, and was awarded the AALC's Naguib Mahfouz award. He has been published both internationally and domestically in publications including Forge Journal, Acentos Review, Neon, Quay, Domino, The Legendary, Sixers Review and Fut'uro and is slated to be featured in the upcoming Two Naked Guys Collective Anthology: POETRY of NEW YORK